Yoga Wear, Sports, Travel Gear manufacturer / supplier in China, offering Decorative Retro Beer Bottle Mini System Bar Home Fridge Magnet Kitchen Gadgets Bl28450, Toothpick Storage Box Cotton Pad Holder Organizer Hair Tie Band Bl24694, Waterproof Travel Luggage Bag Wind Blows Foldable Travel Bag Lightweight Bl20852 and so on.
Since 2006 when Ningbo Easyget has not yet started its wonderful journey, it was a matter of great foresight and courage to start a multiservice company with limited sources with the aim of research, development, and manufacturing of camping, outdoor & travel gear, patio & garden, and kitchenware products when many people could only dream. Ningbo, Zhejiang, China-based Ningbo Easyget put their plan into action as a general manufacturer and exporter with the confidence to solve the customer′s long waited problem of best quality products with the best customer services in the region. The company is achieving new milestones every day since its birth and now has become one of the top manufacturers and exporters in the region. In the beginning, people realized that Ningbo Easyget is targeting a certain group of customers but time has proved its unique multiservice quality.
Ningbo Easyget energetically marketed its products and started to build a reputation for high-quality and long-lasting products. One of the major challenges was to train and educate the company′s manpower to enable them to manufacture the world′s best standard products. The company management has emphatically emphasized human resource development. Their dream turned into reality and now after sixteen successful years of consistency, Ningbo Easyget is equipped with intelligent and hardworking staff. The integrity of staff was put to test many times to avoid a bad name for to brand.
In-time delivery is one of the most challenging tasks in the export business and logistics play one of the pivotal roles. How quickly a company can deliver its products to customers affect the company′s reputation on a large scale. Camping and traveling are seasonal and vocational activities in which products are to reach within a particular time and Ningbo Easyget consistently developed itself as the most trusted brand of travel gears and many other products of high quality. The company widened its network worldwide and achieved enormous fame in camping and traveling gears. Ningbo Easyget is located in Ningbo, which helps the company to cope with this very core issue of logistics as it has very convenient access to Ningbo port for transportation of its products around the whole world. This advantage has helped the company to serve worldwide customers by delivering the most reliable products on time.
The twenty-first century has evolved the business model, no company can maintain its existence for long without constant change in the business model and environment. It was the same case with Ningbo Easyget which initially remained under a single business model for 4 years but later it was realized that if the company is to grow and compete they have to change its business environment constantly so that it can meet day-to-day demands and ensure the provision of quality products. This innovative change in the business environment also attracted more and more customers around the world as the company always kept in view the user′s necessities with innovative ideas. Filling the user′s requirements with modern touch has now become a trademark of Ningbo Easyget.
When the company′s hardworking and well-trained staff began to provide exceptional services, customers appreciated and praised it with an open heart. Later this feedback became the lifeblood for defining the brand′s values. It also boosted the confidence of manpower and ultimately it became part and parcel for each other. The brand built a unique emotional connection with its customers that also brought innovations. They started referring Ningbo Easyget′s quality products to their friends and families and the brand expanded overnight. But one thing from day one that was never compromised was the quality and reliability of products. The brand is now offering its services in 25 countries which is the ultimate result of constant improvement and product quality, and customer serv